What is web Services?
A web service is any piece of software that makes itself available over the internet and uses a standardized format.
such as XML or JSON → for the request and the response of an application programming interface (API) interaction.
What is AWS?
→ AWS is a secure cloud platform that offers a broad set of global cloud-based products.
→ It’s provides you with on-demand access to compute, storage, network, database, etc.
→AWS offers flexibility
→You pay only for the individuals services you need, for as long as you use them
→AWS services work together like building blocks
What is AWS services?
Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers many cloud services. some services are listed below
Vmware clouds on AWS, Amazone EC2, AWS lambda, AWS Elastic Beastalk, Amazone EKS,
How many ways to interact with AWS
There are three ways to interact with AWS/
AWS Management Console→Easy-to-use Graphical interface
Command Line Interface(AWS CLI)→Access to services by discrete commands or scripts
Software Development Kits(SDKs)→Access Services directly from your code such as Java, Python, and others.
What is AWS Cloud Adoption Framework(AWS CAF)
→AWS CAF provides guidance and best practices to help organizations build a comprehensive approach to cloud computing across the organization and throughout the IT lifecycle to accelerate successful cloud adoption
→ AWS CAF is organized into six perspectives → The six perspectives are
1. Business perspective
2. People perspective
3. Governance perspective
4.Platform perspective
5.Security perspective
6. Operation perspective
→Perspectives consist of sets of capabilities